Supply Options
Contract Supply
Increasingly, the designers and developers of important projects recognise the need to secure supply of their bigger trees long before planting. Rather than bundling their supply in with the civil or landscape contract, it is only sensible to address tree supply at the start of the project, or sooner. Otherwise, when the time comes for last-minute shopping, the trees needed simply will not exist. This leads to disappointment and the need for major compromises and, very importantly, you have no real control of the standard of trees to be planted in your project. So:
- Do not pass responsibility for important trees down the line. Select the best grower and deal directly with that grower.
- Because the bigger trees will take longer to grow than the smaller plants, separate them out of general plant supply and secure them under a grow-on contract as early as possible. Contracts for smaller plants can be staged as the design process evolves.
- Set the standard high. The Australian Standard AS 2303:2018 for trees is Australia’s, if not the world’s, most rigorous standard.
- Recognise that good big trees take years to produce from specially selected and managed starter stock, so be guided by reputation and confidence rather than price alone.
Trees Impact has a long and unblemished history of growing bespoke trees for small and large, often iconic, Australian projects.
General Tree Supply
We generally only supply in the bigger size ranges, concentrating on the production of trees entering the semi-mature range. This is where our expertise lies and our reputation is grounded, so we ‘stick to our knitting’. Accordingly, the vast majority of our sales are in the 200 to 700 litres range where trees, depending on species, will be from 3 to 10 metres tall. In exceptional cases we can provide smaller trees or trees continuing up to 1000 litres and beyond, with our largest trees supplied at 3000 litres.
Natives: A large part of our production is devoted to Australian natives in sizes not otherwise available in the general market. Trees commonly in production include:
- Angophora
- Araucaria
- Banksia
- Cupaniopsis
- Eucalyptus/Corymbia
- Ficus
- Lophostemon
- Syncarpia
- Tristaniopsis
- Waterhousia
- and a selection of others…see STOCKLIST
Exotics: A smaller range of exotics commonly in production includes:
- Fraxinus
- Jacaranda
- Lagerstroemia
- Ulmus
- Zelkova
- and a selection of others…see STOCKLIST
Our plants all take some years to produce, many are secured by customers early for supply later as projects evolve and others are being shipped out constantly. Contact our office to arrange contract growing or to check up-to-date availability at any time.
Deliveries to all areas between Brisbane and Melbourne are routine, with loads as far afield as Townsville in far north Queensland, Adelaide in South Australia and the inland regions of New South Wales not uncommon. Trees are specially prepared, packed and covered for transport. Vehicles are equipped with cranes for loading/unloading, and only drivers experienced in handling our product are used.

Trees Impact is pleased to provide our current stocklist of available advanced containerised trees. Prices vary according to species, and sales occur continuously, so availability fluctuates.
Please contact the Trees Impact office to discuss current availability and pricing.

Customer Information
The following links are to pages which are available to provide key customer and quotation information.
Nominating a Future Delivery Date for Trees
When placing an order for trees to be supplied at a future time, it is important that customers carefully consider the date when they expect the plants will be needed for planting…. Keep reading
Holding Trees When Delivery is Deferred
Our holding fees based on NGIA Recommended Best Practice…. Keep reading
Potting Up Trees When Delivery Deferred
It is widely known and well-established that when trees become too big for their containers they begin to deteriorate. ‘Potting up’ involves increasing the size of the container in which plants are to be held and then managing them until established in those new containers…. Keep reading
Conditions of Quotation/Supply
These are the conditions that govern all orders for the purchase of trees from Trees Impact…. Keep reading